Kitti and Marcell built a new home and a new family in Valdemars Have


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New Home, New Family: A Life in Bloom

There's something truly special about the moment when a young couple steps into their first-ever home. It's a time of big dreams and expectations. We invite you into the story of Kitti and Marcell, a youthful couple who came to Denmark 8 years ago and recently embarked on the adventure of owning their own home. See the home they have created and learn about the process. Welcome to "New Home, New Family: A Life in Bloom."

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00 Kunder
00 Have 4

Settling down in Silkeborg

As I enter the driveway, a stork graces the front yard and bears witness to a new beginning for the young couple. Since they moved in last year, two have become three, as little Aron has arrived.

Kitti opens the door with Aron in her arms and welcomes me. Aron is 7 weeks today, but I see right away, that he already fills up every corner of the house and their hearts as well. We sit down at the table and they start telling me their story.

Kitti and Marcell left Hungary to study in Vejle, and lived there for 3 years. Afterwards they moved to Herning to finish their candidate and stayed in the city for four years. “We both got work at Siemens Gamesa in Brande so Herning was closer and the University was also in Herning, but it was never our city. We would always go to Silkeborg to hike and walk around or we would visit our friends in Århus”, says Kitti. “So, when we started looking for houses, we said to ourselves ‘it is either Silkeborg, Århus or Vejle’. And we especially liked Silkeborg because of the nature”, Marcell emphasizes. “And Århus was always on the map for me in order to find work, so we started looking for a place that was close to Århus”. 

Kitti and Marcell opted for a Newly Built Home

For some people, the allure of a charming, old home with character and history can be undeniable. However, for Kitti and Marcell, the decision was influenced by a set of circumstances. They didn't have the luxury of relying on parents or extended family who could assist them in the daunting task of renovating an older house. “We are only the two of us in Denmark, so if we started a renovation, it would most likely be with contractors and that would be quite expensive. An also to avoid the hustle of it, since we wanted a child on a fairly short notice”, Marcell explains.

This realization made Kitti and Marcell acutely aware that they needed a home that would offer them minimal demands for renovations. Opting for a new house meant that they could move in with peace of mind, knowing that their new home required little to no immediate repairs or upgrades. It allowed them to focus on the beginning of their new family life.


“We built this home to start a family”

In October 2022 the couple moved into Valdemars Have. Luckily, they designed their home to accommodate future family growth, which became a reality shortly after moving in. “We moved in in October and found out in November, that I was pregnant”, Kitti tells. The young couple used the next 9 month to get ready for the arrival of Aron.

“We built this home to start a family”, says Kitti and smiles at Marcell. And so they did😊

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A Welcoming Neighborhood

In the charming enclave of Valdemars Have, Kitti and Marcell found not just a house, but a vibrant and good neighborhood community that exceeded their expectations. “The neighborhood community was a really pleasant surprise for us. As foreigners we were wandering how it was going to be for us, but since everyone was new, they were really open to get to know each other”, Marcell says.   

Naturally, good neighbors make good friends, and that's precisely what Kitti and Marcell have found in Valdemars Have. Across the street lives another young couple, Christine and Emil, and the four of them get along very well.  

“We also thought a lot about, who would move in just next to us, because we have a double house. But here we also had a pleasant surprise and we have a good relationship with Anders”. In fact, Anders and Marcell build the windbreak fence, that separates the garden area, together. A great example of a good neighborhood community where neighbors spend time together. Weekends that could have been spent in solitary pursuits have been willingly shared in the spirit of collaboration.

 “You may think that you build a fence to be apart, but I actually think that we have had a much better relationship after we spent that time together”, says Kitti.

The neighbors have also collectively purchased hedges, not only as a means to maintain privacy but also as a symbol of unity. The act of coming together to acquire these hedges demonstrates a shared commitment to making Valdemars Have a beautiful and harmonious place to live.

As I bid farewell to Kitti, Marcell, and little Aron, I can't help but reflect on the heartwarming journey I've witnessed. Their story is not just one of a new home and a growing family; it's also a testament of an upcoming neighborhood and community that thrives on this very street. It's a reminder that home isn't just about the structure of the house; it's about the warmth of the people who inhabit it. When Kitti and Marcell moved in, they visited their neighbors, bringing a cake and a smile – what a great way to start a good neighborhood community.